The content on this archived website and other document archive pages is provided to assist research and provide a public record of the Independent Inquiry into the EPA website. This archived website may contain references to activities or policies that have no current application.

Media releases

29 Jan

Hundreds Have Their Say On The Future Of The EPA

Communities in Central Victoria are urged to have their say on the future of the Environment Protection Authority, when an independent inquiry team hosts an open public meeting in Bendigo on Monday 12 October.

05 Oct

Inquiry Into The EPA Invites Central Victorians To Public Meeting

More than 200 submissions were lodged as part of the Independent Inquiry into Victoria's Environment Protection Authority (EPA). The Inquiry's consultation into the future of the EPA has now concluded.

25 Sep

Inquiry Into The EPA Invites Gippsland Residents To Public Meeting

More than 200 submissions were lodged as part of the Independent Inquiry into Victoria's Environment Protection Authority (EPA). The Inquiry's consultation into the future of the EPA has now concluded.

23 Sep

Inquiry Into The EPA Visits Richmond

A major independent inquiry has been commissioned by the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water to look at the future role of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Victoria's environmental regulator.

17 Sep

Inquiry Into The EPA Invites Outer-East Melbourne Residents To Public Meeting

Residents, businesses and government representatives in Melbourne's outer-east locations, are urged to have their say on the future of the Environment Protection Authority, when the Inquiry team hosts an open public meeting on Wednesday 23 September.

16 Sep

Inquiry Into The EPA Visits Coburg

Coburg residents, interest groups, businesses and government representatives are urged to have their say on the future of the Environment Protection Authority, when the Inquiry team hosts an open community meeting on Monday 21 September.

02 Sep

EPA Inquiry To Visit Werribee

Werribee residents are urged to have their say on the future of the Environment Protection Authority, when the Inquiry team visits the region on Monday 14 September.

02 Sep

EPA Inquiry To Visit Warrnambool

Warrnambool residents are urged to have their say on the future of the Environment Protection Authority, when the Inquiry team visits the region on Wednesday 16 September.

27 Aug

Wodonga And Shepparton First In Victoria For Public Consultations

Wodonga and Shepparton communities will be the first in Victoria to have their say on the future of the EPA, when the Inquiry team visits the region in the coming fortnight, on 7th and 8th September.

19 Aug

Public Consultations Begin Across Victoria

Chair of the Independent Inquiry into the EPA, Penny Armytage today kicked off an extensive public consultation program across the State, releasing a public Discussion Paper, schedule of public consultations, and an interactive website calling on all Victorians to have their say on the future of the EPA.

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